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Best Courses for Getting a Visa in Australia

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With Australia being highly regarded for leading first class education across the globe, it’s no wonder thousands of students from around the world choose to continue their studies here. Both local and overseas students have the opportunity to pursue their passion with a wide selection of majors and fields to choose from.

However, before international students embark on their study abroad program in Australia, it is important that they know which courses would not only easily grant them a visa but would also offer them a good paying job after graduation. Listed below are the 3 most favourable courses that will not only qualify you for a visa but will also secure a rewarding career in the future.

3 most favourable courses


Nearly all courses in engineering such as civil, mechanical, electronics, computer, industrial or agricultural courses, are in high demand for graduates. This means that foreign students planning to take up engineering in Australia have higher chances of being approved, especially because many states are currently suffering from a widespread shortage of engineers. Also, considering the fact that Australia finds skilled migration valuable for economic growth, overseas students who are qualified in engineering are highly prioritised for PR visas.


You might not know it yet, but accounting could be the solution to a visa approval. Accountancy holds the framework of a business, and with the downfall in the number of locals enrolling in accounting courses since 2001, many large accounting firms are reporting a shortage of accountants in many of their remote branches. That said, if you are fond of numbers, this might be your chance to pursue an accounting major in a field you truly enjoy.


If caring for others is something you find fulfilling, then a nursing profession may suit you. But that’s just for starters. You also need to be emotionally stable, quick and efficient, physically tough and a good communicator. The good news is that students qualified for nursing are a high priority for PR visas, particularly as Australia has been experiencing chronic nursing shortages for the past years. While nursing is more competitive in other countries, particularly some countries in Asia, in Australia nurses are very much in demand. Furthermore, there is an array of nursing courses available to fit your career goals.

Whether you are pursuing a bachelor’s degree or looking to further your study in Australia, a qualification in one of these courses is a great start to your visa application. If you are lucky enough, then a permanent residency visa may just be in your future.

It's important to understand, the Department of Home Affairs varies the skill requirements regularly. You should keep up to date with the information published at their website.

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