
The Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) allows you to remain in Australia as a guardian of an international student on a student visa, for up to five years.

If you're an international student planning to study in Australia, it's important to know about the Student Guardian visa (subclass 590). This visa is designed for parents, legal guardians or relatives who wish to accompany a student under 18 years old to Australia while they study. The visa holder will have to provide accommodation, welfare, and other support to the student during their stay in Australia.

To apply for the Student Guardian visa, you'll need to meet certain requirements, such as providing evidence of your relationship with the student, having enough money to support yourself and the student, and passing character and health requirements.

At IDP Education, we understand that navigating the visa process can be confusing and overwhelming. That's why we offer a range of services to help make the process easier for you. Our expert counsellors can provide you with information about the Student Guardian visa and guide you through the application process. We can also help you find suitable accommodation and provide advice on how to support the student during their stay in Australia.

So, if you're planning to accompany a student under 18 to Australia while they study, contact IDP Education to find out how we can help you obtain the Student Guardian visa and make your journey to Australia as smooth as possible.

Eligibility criteria

Who is eligible for the student guardian visa (subclass 590)?

To be eligible to apply for the Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) you must meet this eligibility criteria:

  • be the student's parent, legal guardian or relative

  • have enough money to support yourself and the student during your stay

  • be able to provide accommodation and other support

  • be at least 21 years of age.

How to apply for the student guardian visa (subclass 590)

Applications can be made online at the Department of Home Affairs. Have all your documents ready to complete the application and payment to ensure your visa application is valid.

Estimated processing time

Estimated fees and processing time

The cost of applying for the Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) is AUD $560.00. Processing times may take up to 4 months. It’s recommended you check the processing times here.

Checklist & FAQs


The Department of Home Affairs has a complete checklist list of everything you will require when applying for the visa. We recommend that you read this this information and contact us for assistance in your application.

How IDP can help

IDP offers an array of services designed to take the stress and confusion out of the process of applying for a visa in Australia. We have a combination of services designed to help those who prefer to manage their own applications, through to comprehensive migration advice and application assistance, for those who are more comfortable having the whole process looked after for them. Whatever your situation, we can help.

Ready to get started? Visit us at the nearest IDP office or make an appointment to speak to us. Get your free consultation today!

Guardian Visa FAQs

1. What is a student Guardian Visa?

590 temporary guardian visa allows you to stay in Australia according to the length of the student’s course. If the student you are looking after has exceptional conditions and is above the age of 18, you may be able to apply for guardian visa due to these exceptional circumstances. On this visa, you can care for more than one student and you can study an English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) for 20 hours per week. Alternatively, you can do 3 months of study or training and overall this visa won’t let you work.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for the Guardian Visa 590?

  • Be the student’s legal guardian, or parent or relative

  • Be over 21 years of age

  • Be able to support yourself and the student during the length of your stay

3. How long can you stay with Guardian Visa 590?

Your visa length and eligibility to stay in Australia will depend on the student’s visa conditions, allowing the guardian visa holder to stay the same length as the student they are looking after. If the guardian visa expires and you want to stay in the country and continue to provide guardianship to the student, you will need to apply for a new guardian visa.

4. Can I work with Guardian Visa 590?

This visa doesn’t give you working rights in Australia. However, you still can check your work eligibility via your personal online immigration account. However, you can study an English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) up to 20 hours per week or alternatively, you can do 3 months of study or training.