718 الأخبار والمقالات

Showing 745 -756 of 718 results
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Everything You Need to Know About Studying in British Columbia

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    ما الذي تفعله الدراسة في الخارج من أجل مستقبلك

    هل تحتاج إلى إقناع؟ ستحصل على العديد من المزايا من مؤهل دولي. ألقِ نظرة.

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      United States

      Student visa requirements in the USA

      Applying for visas is often seen as complicated, but our trained counsellors are experts in guiding you through the application process.

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        United Kingdom

        How to apply for UK universities and colleges: Step by step guide

        A step by step guide to applying to UK universities. Read on to get valuable tips on admission process, application deadlines, how, when, and where to apply for studying in the UK.

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          Working part-time in Australia: How much can you earn?

          Here we discuss about the top 5 part-time jobs that you can do in Australia and how much you can earn from each of them.

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            IELTS on Computer: 5 benefits you didn’t know

            What is so good about IELTS on computer? Computer based IELTS provide more test date choices, you can get faster IELTS results too!

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              10 High-Paying Jobs in Australia That Require A Master’s Degree

              If you are thinking of accelerating your career or switching to a new industry moving to Australia for further studies is an excellent way to get a fresh start.

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                Cost of Living in Canada Today 

                Here are the details of Living Cost you need to Spend During Your Stay in Canada!

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                  A guide to living in Hobart

                  Hobart is a world-class city for living, travelling and studying.

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                    Post-Study Work Visa: The Best Countries to Work in After Graduating 

                    Get to know the best countries to work in after your graduation!

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                      How to open a student bank account in Australia

                      Planning to study abroad in Australia? You’ll need some banking advice.

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                        أفضل 6 مهن من حيث الراتب لخريجي التجارة والأعمال في الإمارات

                        إذا كنت تفكر في دراسة التجارة والأعمال بالجامعة وترغب في معرفة أفضل المهن المناسبة لك بعد التخرج؟ اكتشف أفضل 6 مهن لخريجي التجارة والأعمال في الإمارات، مرتبة بحسب متوسط الراتب السنوي* لمساعدتك على اتخاذ القرار المناسب.

                          One account for all your study abroad needs

                          Create your profile and unlock a wide array of features including personalised recommendations, fast-tracked applications and much more.