724 berita dan artikel

Showing 457 -468 of 724 results
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New Zealand

The minimum IELTS score to get New Zealand PR and work there

Thanks to its beautiful natural beauty, rich heritage and renowned universities, the demand for getting PR and establishing a life in New Zealand is high.

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    Top 7 High-Demand Jobs in the Future 

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      Maclean's University Rankings 2023

      Maclean's university rankings are based on the program's reputation, research reputation, and a measure of the program's publications and citations. Learn more!

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        Learn about the highs & lows of International Economics student, Abbi

        You will learn a lot from the people you come in contact with; friends, employers or teachers or advisors. Build on their advice and experience.

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          Murdoch University Dubai campus

          Murdoch University Dubai campus also offers the opportunity to continue your education in Australia.

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            Referencing and IELTS

            If you’re trying to figure out how to start preparing and still don’t know much about how the Writing module is assessed, let’s take a moment to do a quick overview.

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              Your First Canadian Winter: The Ultimate Guide   

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                United Kingdom

                Top 6 universities to study in the UK

                If you're considering the UK as your ideal study destination, then with so many amazing and world-renowned options it can be overwhelming to decide on your perfect course and university.

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                  The minimum IELTS scores for Canada universities

                  Set your mind on studying in Canada? Take IELTS to secure your admission to the top university you’ve been aiming for!

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                    Top 5 universities in Ireland

                    Want to study at one of the best universities in Ireland?

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                      Panduan bertahan hidup di hari pertama Anda di luar negeri

                      Tinggal sendiri di luar negeri untuk pertama kalinya? Berikut adalah panduan untuk semua mahasiswa internasional yang tinggal di luar negeri untuk pertama kalinya!

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                        Welcome to down under!

                        Airport Welcome Desks are available for international students studying in Australia. Look out for airport greeters once you're through immigration and customs.

                          Satu akun untuk semua kebutuhan studi Anda di luar negeri

                          Buat profil Anda dan buka beragam fitur termasuk rekomendasi yang dipersonalisasi, aplikasi yang dilacak dengan cepat, dan masih banyak lagi.