725 뉴스 및 기사

Showing 289 -300 of 725 results
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Popular courses in Canada

  • 2022년 9월 25일
  • 10 min read
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ELICOS In Australia: How Much Does It Cost To Study English There?

  • 2022년 5월 1일
  • 5 min read
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Using technology to improve your English language skills

Take a look at how you can benefit from 5 different technologies that you use everyday to improve your English.

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    Study Abroad | Student Loans Vs Scholarships To Fund Your Dream Degree

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      지금 무료로 해외유학 준비를 진행해보세요!

      IDP 국가별 카운셀러 팀이 해외 유학을 향한 여러분의 꿈을 실현하기 위해 어떤 도움을 드릴 수 있는지 확인해 보세요.

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        United Kingdom

        Top 6 benefits of exchange programs

        Most universities nowadays offer multiple opportunities for exchange programs. That means you get to spend one semester or one year abroad and away from your home university, sometimes with funding available.

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          New Zealand

          5 Best things about studying in New Zealand

          Nihar Duggad, a University of Otago graduate in International Business and passionate filmmaker from India shares his top 5 reasons to study in New Zealand.

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            유학 국가 출발 전 국제 학생을 위한 조언

            IDP는 출발 전 지원 세션을 마련하여 원할하게 출발 준비를 마칠 수 있도록 도와드립니다.

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              Tips for transitioning from a high-school student to studying abroad

              Being a university student means that you have ‘officially’ stepped out of the teenager stage and on the way to becoming a real adult, and there’s a lot of lessons you’ll have to quickly learn to adjust to starting life as a university student abroad and independent for the first time.

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                United Kingdom

                Money and living expenses in the UK

                Make the most of your money when you study in the UK.

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                  10 high-paying jobs In Canada that require a Master’s Degree

                  Read on to find out ten high-paying jobs in Canada if you are looking to pursue a Master's Degree in a Canandian university.

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                    Is the IELTS exam really that hard?

                    Is it really hard? Absolutely not, when you are prepared for your IELTS test. We are here help you with the preparation by providing Masterclass and Prep materials.

                      유학프로필 생성을 위한 가입

                      프로필을 만들고, 맞춤 플랜을 세우고, 유학준비 필요한 유용한 기능을 사용하기 위해 로그인하세요.