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University is one of the most defining moments in one’s educational journey. But when you decide to study overseas, it’s an entirely new ball game.
According to Unesco’s Institute for Statistics, the number of international students worldwide is increasing by about 12% every year for obvious reasons such as top-quality education and better career opportunities.
Apart from its educational and professional benefits, prospective students also choose to study abroad to work on their personal development as well. When in a foreign country, you’ll adapt to different situations, experience new cultures, and learn more about yourself than anywhere else.
Still not convinced?
Here are 8 key reasons why studying overseas can be your own personalised development program.
1) You Become More Adaptable
Being away from your family will force you to become independent in all facets of your life as an international student. From budgeting your finances, keeping your dorm room tidy, and making it to your classes on time, expect to learn a myriad of essential life skills while abroad. Think of it as a form of preparation for what’s ahead during adulthood!
When put in unfamiliar situations, you will slowly become more adaptable and learn to rely on yourself to manage your study plans, time and other factors efficiently.
2) You Become More Self-Aware
Living and studying abroad is one of the best ways to get to know yourself. As you begin to venture on your own, you also start to discover parts of yourself that you would’ve otherwise never known back at home. Sometimes all it takes is throwing yourself into a completely new environment to realise that.
During this time, you may figure out certain areas you excel at or are weaker in, develop new hobbies and passions, and even discover your lifelong purpose.
3) You Gain More Empathy For People
When you enter college, you will come across people from all walks of life who will potentially become lifelong friends during those four years.
Forging friendships is one of the most rewarding things about being in university. These are the ones you will turn to when the going gets tough, especially when you’re apart from your loved ones. They will be your backbone as you navigate life as a student studying abroad.
Along with this support system, you’ll naturally gain a greater sense of empathy for those around you at the same time.
4) You Build Resilience (Especially during this period of COVID-19)
Along with becoming more independent, studying abroad will surely boost your confidence and resilience as well.
Studies have consistently proven that graduated international students have claimed an increase in self-confidence in their capabilities attributed to studying abroad.
When you aren’t with family members, you may come face to face with diverse situations that require you to tap into your problem-solving skills, which may be especially relevant with the pandemic in play.

5) You Gain Useful Language Skills
In certain countries, scholar students are required to learn the local language as a prerequisite when making the big move to their overseas university of choice. This is especially prevalent in European countries such as Norway and Germany where most degree programmes are only taught in their native tongue.
But even if you aren’t a scholar, take this as an opportunity to learn the local language either way. You don’t necessarily have to be fluent, but a little goes a long way. Try learning conversational phrases on directions and basic greetings, which will come in handy when you’re exploring the city during the weekends. Being able to read signs and labels is also a plus.
On top of that, the locals would certainly appreciate you speaking in their language or even just trying to communicate better with them. Always remember: practice makes progress!
6) You Appreciate Difficult Cultures & Become More Cosmopolitan
“Studying abroad is the single most effective way of changing the way we view the world”. Certain life lessons can only be learnt if you step outside of your comfort zone and study at a university abroad. One of those is increasing your cross-cultural awareness.
In a melting pot filled with a variety of cultures, you will get the chance to develop a better understanding of the world around you from the people you interact with daily. Their stories about their own cultures and traditions go far beyond what you’ll find in history books.
By immersing yourself in the local culture and learning from the people around you, you broaden your mind and gain different perspectives, which can help you look at experiences in a whole new way.
7) You Build Discipline & Consistency
Picture this: your mom will no longer be responsible for waking you up in the morning. You have to buy your own groceries from now on. You are in charge of keeping your space clean and neat at all times.
Studying abroad means taking care of certain aspects of your life that you may not have dealt with alone before.
This forces you to take control and become more disciplined in a way that you may not have experienced back at home.
8) You Become More Of A Leader
Taking charge will eventually come naturally to you as you navigate life overseas. Whether it’s in a school setting or figuring out your day-to-day, you will come across challenges that will strengthen your character and unleash the leader in you.
All of these experiences will ultimately afford you the skills you need to be a better, more effective leader.

Seize The Opportunity To Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
Given the nature of our current situation, it’s useful to note that studying abroad may not be for everyone.
Moving to an unfamiliar place during a pandemic and being physically apart from those close to you may bring about emotional and mental stress.
But don’t let this hinder you from discovering your full potential and exploring the world outside of your own.
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