Are you aware that obtaining a student visa requires you to prove that living expenses, educational costs and travel are fully covered during the entire duration of your course? There are visa restrictions that prohibit paying all your expenses doing just part-time jobs. Your IDP counsellor can give you an idea of how much you may need to prepare before you go overseas.Visa Requirements Applying for visas is often seen as complicated, but IDP Education’s trained counsellors are experts in guiding students through the application process. The visa you need will depend on the type of study you want to do and how long you want to stay in Australia. You can find out more about each type of visa on the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs (HA) website.The information you need for your visa application will depend on your nationality and which course you’re studying. You will generally need:

  • Proof of enrolment (your Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment)

  • Your health insurance (Overseas Student Health Cover) policy details

  • Your Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement

  • Evidence of your English skills

  • A valid passport

  • Your visa application fee

  • Evidence of financial ability

On lodging of your visa application, your counsellor will download the medical forms. You will need to undergo a medical examination by a doctor and have the forms completed. If you are under 18 years of age, you will also need to provide additional documents such as parental consent.If you have questions, we have answers. Chat with us and let us help you in your journey.