What is the weather like in Canada?
You asked, we answered. You asked What is the weather like in Canada? and we gathered short videos from institutions, students and our IDP counsellors giving their answers and opinions.
I'll talk about Ottawa in particular. The city of Ottawa has four very distinct seasons winter, summer, spring and fall. We do have a winter where the average temperatures are between minus five and minus 10 degrees Celsius. But rest assured, our city in the winter thrives and there's so much to do and it's always so much fun. In the fall and spring, temperatures hover between five and 15 degrees Celsius depending on the time of year. And our summers are quite mild coming in between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius.
In Canada, we have a large variety of climates for students to explore once they come. Depending on where you're currently studying, you may have a bit of an adjustment when you get here. Here in Manitoba, we're known for our cooler winters. And it's true, it does tend to get a little bit chilly here in our winter months. But we have very beautiful fall, spring and summer months. We have lots of provincial parks and lakes for students to explore. There's tons to do and all of our seasons. And the fun never ends.
People in Canada are actually very lucky when it comes to whether we get to experience four distinct seasons spring bloom, spring, summer heat in April through September with temperatures as high as 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, then fall leaves change color before winter arrives, bringing beautiful white snow in October through March. Canada gets a bad reputation for just being cold, but it's really not that bad. Average winter temperatures are about minus 15 degrees Celsius. All buildings and homes are heated and many campuses are connected with headways to stay indoors.
Canada has the most hot summers and very cold winters and spring and fall are cool with temperatures ranging 7 to 20 degrees Celsius. Summer can range from 20 to 30 degrees and winter can be cold. Temperatures range in minus thirty five or more.