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1279 questions found, 顯示 15 以下
What is the cost of living in Canada for international students?If I decide to study online but don't like it, what are my options?Can I apply for a scholarship with an IELTS score of 6.5?What's the first step to apply for universities in the UK?Can I apply for a scholarship with an IELTS score of 6.5?What should international students pack and bring with them to the USA?What should international students pack and bring with them to New Zealand?What is the Immigration Health Surcharge?What should international students pack and bring with them to Australia?What is the Immigration Health Surcharge?What should international students pack and bring with them to UK?What should international students pack and bring with them to New Zealand?What should international students pack and bring with them to UK?How can students stay up to date with the latest COVID-19 developments?Do I need to return home if I defer my studies during COVID-19?
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