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1275 questions found, đang hiển thị 15 dưới đây
How safe is your university campus for international students?Am I able to defer my studies if I can't organise flights to my home country?Are there any student scholarships or discounts I could apply for?Are there any student scholarships or discounts I could apply for?Am I able to go back home if I'm currently on a Bridging visa?What accommodation options do you offer international students?What is the best city in Australia for international students?How can I make friends in AustraliaWhat student experiences or activities do you offer? What are some of the challenges or problems faced by international students?What are popular university clubs or activities for business students?Does the university provide career support What is your favourite place on campus?What 3 things that make your university unique to other university?In 30 seconds, tell us about the country you are studying in
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