724 뉴스 및 기사

Showing 697 -708 of 724 results
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New Zealand

How to get a job without any work experience in New Zealand?

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    United States

    Why study aboard in the USA

    Find out why the USA is the world's most popular international student destination.

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      6 IELTS preparation tips to help you ace the test

      Whether you are confident in your preparation for the IELTS or starting to read up on the test, we have compiled a list of tips to help you ace the test!

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        New Zealand

        The minimum IELTS score to get New Zealand PR and work there

        Thanks to its beautiful natural beauty, rich heritage and renowned universities, the demand for getting PR and establishing a life in New Zealand is high.

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          Learn about the highs & lows of International Economics student, Abbi

          You will learn a lot from the people you come in contact with; friends, employers or teachers or advisors. Build on their advice and experience.

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            Murdoch University Dubai campus

            Murdoch University Dubai campus also offers the opportunity to continue your education in Australia.

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              Your First Canadian Winter: The Ultimate Guide   

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                United Kingdom

                Top 6 universities to study in the UK

                If you're considering the UK as your ideal study destination, then with so many amazing and world-renowned options it can be overwhelming to decide on your perfect course and university.

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                  아일랜드 최고의 대학 Top 5

                  아일랜드 최고의 대학 중 한곳에서 공부하고 싶으신가요?

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                    해외에서의 첫날 보내기

                    처음으로 해외 생활을 하고 계신가요? 해외 첫 거주를 시작한 모든 국제 학생을 위한 가이드가 있습니다!

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                      Welcome to down under!

                      Airport Welcome Desks are available for international students studying in Australia. Look out for airport greeters once you're through immigration and customs.

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                        Build your professional network in Australia

                        Finding good friends and ensuring you have a support network around you is key.

                          유학프로필 생성을 위한 가입

                          프로필을 만들고, 맞춤 플랜을 세우고, 유학준비 필요한 유용한 기능을 사용하기 위해 로그인하세요.