
Expand Your IELTS Vocabulary – Transportation 

Topics covered

In the first post of this series, we talked about the benefits of learning new words and phrases through common IELTS themes and explored vocabulary related to education. Today, we’ll be looking at expanding your vocabulary on the topic of transportation.

Vocabulary sets related to transportation 

Talking about transportation is a frequent occurrence in everyday life, and the IELTS Speaking test is no exception. The theme of transportation is likely to arise in any of the three parts of the Speaking test. You may be asked to discuss your experience with public transport and daily travel, talk about a specific type of transport (e.g. boats), describe a journey you’ve made, or speculate about transportation in the future. In addition, transportation is also a common theme for Writing Task 2. Here you’re likely to be asked to analyze a specific problem related to transportation and, in some cases, identify possible solutions. So let’s take a look at five relevant sub-topics that we recommend you use to get your vocabulary sets started:

1. Means of transportation 


part of speech 


common collocations 





an electric vehicle similar to a bus but goes along metal tracks on the road 

catch/go on/take the tram, get on/off the tram, miss the tram, tram service/system, tram stop, (travel) by tram

In my opinion, the tram system is not as efficient as other means of public transport. 

/træm / 



a bus used to take groups of people on long journeys 

private/air-conditioned/luxury coach, go/travel by coach, coach journey/trip/tour 

I’d like to tour the country by coach. 




a boat used for travelling around for pleasure or racing 

luxury/private yacht, cruise on/sail a yacht, yacht club/marina, on/on board a yacht

We spent our holiday on a private yacht in the Caribbean. 

/ jɑt/

* In the topic of transportation, coach can also be used to talk about the cheapest type of seats on a plane or train. 

2. Roads & traffic


part of speech 


common collocations 





a bridge that carries one road over another road 

freeway/highway overpass

Traffic in the area significantly improved thanks to the new overpass.

/ˈoʊ·vərˌpæs / 

service road 


a small road next to a busier, faster road, that you use to drive to homes and shops 

on a/the service road 

In my city, truck traffic is not allowed on service roads.  

/ ˈsɝː.vɪs ˌroʊd/

traffic jam 


a large number of vehicles on a road moving very slowly or not at all

long/severe traffic jam, be/get caught/stuck in a traffic jam, traffic jam on the (road) 

I was stuck in a traffic jam on my way here.

/ ˈtræf·ɪk ˌdʒæm/ 

3. Transportation & the environment


part of speech 


common collocations 





the amount of gas, heat, light that is sent out 

vehicle emissions, greenhouse gas/carbon dioxide emissions, cut/reduce/control emissions, emissions from (traffic) 

In my opinion, governments are not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from traffic. 


noise pollution 


noise, such as that from traffic, that is considered unhealthy for people

to tackle/ease/reduce noise pollution, noise pollution from (type of transport) 

Noise pollution from trains passing through residential areas is a major concern in my country. 

/ ˈnɔɪzpəˌluː.ʃən/ 



not harmful to the environment

environmentally- friendly vehicles/ transportation/ fuel/ alternative 

Electric cars are a more environmentally-friendly alternative. 


4. Travel


part of speech 


common collocations 





in a foreign country 

travel/go abroad, to be abroad, to move abroad 

It’s much easier to travel abroad now than in the past. 

/ əˈbrɔd/ 

business trip 


a journey taken for business purposes 

take/make a business trip, on a business trip 

I went to New York on a business trip. 



verb (ornoun)

to travel regularly between work and home 

daily/every day commute, to commute from/to (place)

I commute to the city by bus every day. 

/ kəˈmjut/ 

5. The future of transportation 


part of speech 


common collocations 



space travel 


travel through outer space

human/commercial space travel, the future of space travel, achieve space travel, to space travel

There’s a lot of interest in space travel these days. 

/ spās ˈtravəl/ 

autonomous vehicle (also known as driverless car or self-driving car)


a car capable of driving itself 

be driven by an autonomous vehicle 

I don’t believe autonomous vehicles can keep us safe. 

/ɑːˈtɑː.nə.məs ˈvi·ɪ·kəl/ 

high-speed rail 


a high-speed passenger train

by high-speed rail, high-speed rail network/route/service, high-speed rail accident/crash/disaster

In the future, high-speed rail networks will take over traditional rail systems. 


Idioms related to transportation 

When learning idioms related to transportation for your IELTS, keep in mind that many idioms in English include words related to transportation, but are not necessarily used to talk about transport (for example, the idiom to throw someone under the bus means to put the blame on another person). Here we’ll look at some idioms that you can use to talk about transportation on your IELTS test:




bumper to bumper

with very little space between two cars in a line of cars

The traffic’s usually bumper to bumper all the way to work.

backseat driver

a passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver

My wife’s very much a backseat driver - she always tells me to speed up or slow down.

hit the road

to begin a trip

I like to hit the road early when going on long journeys.

hitch a lift/ride

to get a free ride in someone else’s vehicle

After the festival, we hitched a lift back to the city.

beat the traffic

to leave early to avoid traveling when the roads are crowded

I always try to leave early in the morning so I can beat the traffic on my way to school.

Don’t forget to keep your vocabulary notebook nearby when preparing for the test in order to keep extending your vocabulary sets. If you think of other possible sub-topics that you can explore during your preparation time (e.g. at the airport), write them down and make sure to include the useful details shown above for each new vocabulary item.

Stay tuned for our next IELTS vocabulary theme – the environment!

By Andrea Castro

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