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1281 pertanyaan ditemukan, showing 15 below
Why should international students choose Ireland over other destinations?Why should international students choose to study in Canada?What is the best city in Canada for international students?How long does it take to receive an offer to study in Canada?What IELTS score do international students need to apply for your university?Where can I get an update on the status of my university application?What’s an interesting fact about your university?What's your tip for international students to succeed in their first year?Why should international students choose the USA to study abroad?Will taking online classes affect my OPT eligibility?What is CPT in the USA?How many hours can I work while studying in the USA on an F1 visa?Can I apply for more than one program at the same university?What is a GPA?What should I do if I am unable to complete my course within the duration of my visa?
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