Allied health professional - A health professional who is not a doctor, nurse or dentist, including physiotherapists, psychologists and dieticians.
GP - A General Practitioner, or doctor. You’ll find these at medical centres in the community.
Benefit - The amount you get back when you claim for an allowed service.
Hospital cover - Covering your costs when you’re admitted to hospital, including benefits for prosthesis and medical services provided during your hospital stay.
Rehabilitation – Treatment that is designed to help a patient recover from injury, illness or disease, for example physiotherapy or hydrotherapy.
Exclusions - Things you can’t claim for because they’re not included in your cover.
Out-of-pocket expenses - the difference you have to pay between the insurer’s benefit and what is charged by the service provider.
HICAPS (Health Industry Claims and Payments Service) - An electronic system that makes it easy for you to get money back by letting you claim benefits when you pay for your treatment.
Ophthalmology - specialised care relating to the eyes.
Outpatient service - Hospital service where patients get treatment without being admitted, or without staying in hospital.
Chiro, physio - specialists in chiropractic care and physiotherapy.
Policy - this is your health cover agreement or contact with your OSHC provider.
Private hospital - A non-government hospital which is privately owned and operated for patients who are treated by a doctor they choose.
Public hospital - hospital owned and managed by government.
Natural therapies - alternative treatments like acupuncture, naturopathy and remedial massage
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