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Clyde McLean Scholarship in Classics and Ancient History
At The University Of Auckland
New Zealand
Finansman türü
Fee waiver/discount
Son tarih
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Ödenek değeri
5000 NZD
Burs hakkında
Ödenek veren kurum
The University Of AucklandYıllık ortalama başvuru
LisansMevcut ödenek sayısı
Ödenek değeri
5000 NZD
Uygun alım
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Finansman detayları
Value: NZ $5,000
Eğitim modu
Full Time
Gönderim modu
Bölüm/teklif başvuru son tarihi
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Finansman türü
Fee waiver/discountÖdenek tahsili
Dikkate alınan diğer hususlar
Academic excellence
Ödenek şunlar için kullanılabilir
Tuition fees
Cinsiyet şartları
Uyruk şartları
All international
Başvurduğunuz bölüm
Eskiçağ Tarihi
Beşeri Bilimler
Seçim esasları
Academic excellence
Seçim kriterleri
The basis of selection will be academic merit and a personal statement outlining the candidate's interest in ancient history and their plans following graduation. Successful applicants will have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 6.00 (5.50 for Maori or Pacific candidates).
The Scholarship will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council upon the recommendation of a Selection Committee comprising the Deputy Head (Academic) of the School of Humanities, the Discipline Convenor of Classical Studies and Ancient History (or nominee) and an additional academic staff member from the disciplinary area of Classics and Ancient History.
The main purpose of the Scholarship is to encourage and support a student enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Arts conjoint degree, majoring in Classical Studies and Ancient History, who has shown a high level of academic achievement, particularly in the study of Ancient History.
One Scholarship will be awarded annually, for a period of up to one year, and will be of the value of up to NZ $5,000.
The Scholarship may be offered to current full-time Stage II students enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Arts conjoint degree, majoring in Classical Studies and Ancient History, for use in their Stage III studies in the following year.
Tenure: One year
Scholarship applications will usually open around six weeks before the closing date.
Applications close with the Scholarships Office on 28 March in the year of the award.
Burs son başvuru tarihi:Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Başvuru süreci:Separate application required
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