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- Charles and Austin Henry Al...
Charles and Austin Henry Alabaster Scholarship
At University of Canterbury
New Zealand
Tipe pendanaan
Fee waiver/discount
Batas waktu
Hubungi universitas
Nilai penghargaan
2500 NZD
Tentang beasiswa
Institusi pemberi penghargaan
University of CanterburyRata-rata pendaftar tiap tahun
Tidak ditentukan
SarjanaJumlah penghargaan yang tersedia
Nilai penghargaan
2500 NZD
Intake yang memenuhi syarat
Hubungi universitas
Detail pendanaan
Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, at a value of NZ $2,500
Modus belajar
Full Time
Modus penyampaian
Tidak ditentukan
Batas waktu pendaftaran jurusan/penawaran
Hubungi universitas
Tipe pendanaan
Fee waiver/discountAlokasi penghargaan
Aspek lain yang diperhatikan
Mature students
Penghargaan dapat digunakan untuk
Tuition fees
Persyaratan gender
Persyaratan kewarganegaraan
All international
Subjek jurusan yang Anda daftarkan
Bahasa Eropa Selatan
Dasar seleksi
Financial need/hardship
Kriteria seleksi
In making the recommendations, the selection committee gives equal consideration to: a. an essay on aspects of Greek and/or Roman history and literature, taken from the applicant's coursework in the year of application and submitted by the applicant for consideration by the selection committee and b. performance in a Greek or Latin translation examination, which applicants will be required to sit. This examination can be an end-of-year examination, or a separate, unseen examination as determined by the Tumuaki Tari Head of the Department of Classics.
If, in any year, there are fewer candidates of sufficient merit than there are scholarships available, fewer scholarships are awarded.
These scholarships are offered to students enrolled in undergraduate Greek and Latin courses at the University of Canterbury.
Tenure: One year
Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: An undergraduate or postgraduate programme in classical
Closing Date: 11.59 pm (NZT) 31 October (Applications open 8 weeks before the closing date)
Applications are accepted from previous recipients of the scholarship, and are given equal consideration with applications from those who have not held the scholarship before.
Batas Waktu Penghargaan:Hubungi universitas
Proses aplikasi:Separate application required
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