The study of literature opens the door to a world of creative inquiry. Literature helps us to understand who we are, where we came from, and where we're going. Within the richness of literature, we learn to see the world through culturally diverse points of view and explore social, political, and historical contexts. Studying the discipline of English will give you excellent skills in reading, analysis, critical thinking, and clearly organized writing talents that will lead to success in any academic or career path. As an Associate Degree student, you'll explore great literature from some of the earliest writings to modern-day classics. Travelling across genres, periods, and diverse cultural perspectives, English students learn to see the world from different viewpoints.
You will become adept at analyzing information, constructing a solid argument, and writing thoughtfully-constructed academic essays. We offer courses in classic English literature, as well as those that focus on Canadian, American, Indigenous, and Women's literature. You may study novels, plays, poetry, short stories, films, and visual texts, as well as non-literary texts.