The Woodruff School has a challenging graduate program that encompasses advanced study and research leading to the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering for qualified graduates with backgrounds in engineering, mechanics, mathematics, physical sciences, and life sciences. Most graduate coursework is elective, but the program of study must meet the Woodruff School's requirements of breadth, depth, and level.
Micro and Nano Engineering encompasses fabrication, characterization, design and modeling of small structures and devices, and their integration into engineered systems. When dimensions shrink unique properties can result such that the fundamentals of thermo-physical processes deviate from traditional macroscopic behavior.The Mission of the Group is to create new engineering knowledge and products at the nano- and microscale. The focus of efforts is to explore new nano- and micromanufacturing methods and new material and system properties enabled by nano- and microscale phenomena, educate students about micro- and nanotechnology and identify important problems that can benefit from micro- and nanoengineering.The research interests of the group are broad including thermal and physical properties of nanostructures (e.g., nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles etc.), scalable nanomanufacturing, sensors, fuel cells, thermoelectrics, power systems, microscale medical ultrasound imaging systems, CMOS-MEMS integration, wireless MEMS devices, acoustic and opto-acoustic sensors, nanomechanical devices, biosensors, microfluidics, thermal management of electronics, ion sources for mass spectrometry and scanning probes, and focused electron beam induced deposition for additive nanomanufacturing.