Print. Online. Radio. TV. Podcasts. Social media. Mobile storytelling. There are many ways to create content and break the news. As digital storytelling rapidly evolves, employers need graduates who are more than just writers or presenters. They need producers, designers, videographers and podcasters – people who understand the core elements of a powerful story, with the technical skills to make stories shine.With La Trobe's Bachelor of Media and Communication, you'll learn how to tell stories across any medium. Graduate with a portfolio of work, industry experience and specialised knowledge to meet the demands of the rapidly changing media and communication landscape. With majors in journalism, sports media, media industries, creative and professional writing, or marketing – you can make your degree your own.
Critically and creatively apply knowledge, skills and practices relevant to their field of study revealing autonomy and judgment to appraise, analyse, produce or create works suited to a range of audiences
Develop, research and evaluate concepts, ideas, information, images and processes, relevant to their field of study, through creative, critical and reflective thinking and practice
Interpret, communicate and exchange ideas, problems and arguments across personal, professional and disciplinary settings using a variety of modes and media that are suited to audiences and contexts
Effectively gather and communicate ideas and information across a variety of platforms in the forms relevant to the different disciplines
Work independently and collaboratively to demonstrate self-management and exhibit the skills needed to develop and sustain effective networks, relationships and connections relevant to their specialist area of study
Exercise judgments that reflect the values and principles underlying their field of study and demonstrate responsibility and accountability in their relationships, communication, conduct, practice and future learning