The interdisciplinary Master of Science, MS, in Internet of Things prepares highly qualified researchers and specialized professionals to lead the development of the Internet of Things (IoT)a globally interconnected continuum of untethered devices and objects interacting with the physical environment, people, and each other. This joint program is offered by Northeastern's Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering, together with the Khoury College of Computer Sciences.Understand the state-of-the-art solutions relating to the building blocks from the IoT, from sensors and embedded systems, through communication and networking, to data application and analytics.
Design, implement and orchestrate IoT systems, utilizing theoretical, numerical, and experimental tools.
Anticipate and adapt to new distributed data application requirements, networking architectures and communication techniques.
It's predicted that by 2023, there will be more than 14.7 billion machine-to-machine connections, or half of the total global connected devices and connections over the internetup from a third in 2018. Multimillion-dollar investments from both public agencies and the private sector continue to drive the rapid growth of IoT devices.
IoT defines a truly cyber-physical system in which all types of physical devices, ranging from standalone sensors and actuators to home appliances and vehicles, are interconnected and able to autonomously interact with each other. This seamless connectivity enables many diverse applications in the fields of healthcare, home monitoring and automation, environmental monitoring and pollution control, smart grid and infrastructure management, real time monitoring of industrial processes, and intelligent transportation of people and goods, among many others.
With IoT devices proliferating in industry verticals and consumer markets such as healthcare, manufacturing, and retailand growing rapidly in connected home and car applications'students will find wide-ranging career opportunities.