Thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and the brain they make you who you are and change how you work, live, and learn with others. Study psychology to understand the science behind human behaviour. In the Bachelor of Science in Psychology program, you will be exploring topics such as visual perception and the neurological processes involved in memory formation. Thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and the brain they make you who you are and change how you work, live, and learn with others. Study psychology to understand the science behind human behaviour.
Psychology is the scientific study of thought, emotion, and behaviour, with a focus on the dynamic interplay of biology and environment. In this program you will learn about areas of specialization within Psychology including, social, cognitive, developmental, clinical, neuro/biological, and health. Embedded within the program are themes of wellness and creative problem-solving.
Through experiential learning, such as community service and applied research, you will have hands-on exposure to solve problems and create a positive social impact. The skills you develop in this program will prepare you for employment in a wide variety of sectors, for graduate-level education in psychology or a related field or entry into professional programs such as law or medicine.
Work-integrated learning opportunities will depend on the area of focus you choose. Learn more about the many types of experiential learning opportunities available at Red Deer Polytechnic through the Career Education and Experience Development Centre.