In RMIT's Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) (Honours), you will develop the knowledge and skills you need to undertake a career that helps people affected by health conditions and the health professionals who support them.
Completing studies in biomechanics, medical electronics, mathematics and engineering science, you will be well trained to work in the in the vibrant and expanding medical technology and biotechnology industries, producing assistive technologies, medical devices for rehabilitation applications, lab-on-a-chip diagnostics and biomaterials.
You will have access to world-leading researchers and 3D-printing facilities such as the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct, the Micro Nano Research facility and the 3DBioFab, placing you at the interface of cutting-edge technologies and advances in biomedical science and engineering.
During your biomedical studies, you will complete subjects in a variety of disciplines such as engineering science, engineering mathematics, engineering design, chemistry, electrical engineering, materials science and biomechanics.
In your first two years, you will study the fundamentals of engineering, physics, mathematics, and the basics of biology, anatomy and physiology. As you progress into third and fourth years, you will become career-ready through major design projects that mirror the work of practising biomedical engineers.
You will also have the opportunity to design creative solutions through inspiring and sustainable design-and-build projects and take part in the Engineers Without Borders Challenge, a humanitarian-focused subject offered in all RMIT engineering degrees.
Teaching methods within this biomedical engineering degree include lectorial, seminar, tutorial, workshop, practical and laboratory sessions, site visits and provision of online materials. Of particular importance is the time spent in practice, laboratory-based and work integrated learning activities that will develop your employability skills and capabilities.