The Marketing Program is designed to lead people to job opportunities in the fields of advertising, marketing, retail sales, wholesaling and international marketing. Concepts of planning and developing products and services are emphasized, along with studies of packaging, distribution, and government regulations. Courses consist of a study of the marketing product and service experience, including branding, pricing, launch, customer and public relations, with a special emphasis on the understanding of business and individual consumer behavior, demographics and target marketing. A special focus will be on the role and importance of conducting, analyzing and utilizing valid market research as well as the use of social media in promotions. The program will also detail international advertising efforts made by multinational corporations towards a product's initial release. Finally, a core focus is understanding how to employ publicity campaigns to assess risk and manage customer expectations. Collectively, the program's goal is to prepare students for future employment opportunities by providing them with the necessary skill set and practice to define a marketing problem and recommend actions to improve an organization's marketing activities. Main Competencies include: Advertising and Selling, Relationships and Customer Services, Branding and Differentiation, Public Relations, Online/Social Media Promotion, Strategy and Positioning, Communications, Supply Chain Management.
Recognition and appreciation of diversity which exists in the discipline of Marketing.
Understanding that market segmentation is present in local, regional, national, and global customer market recognition.
Identifying that the fundamental basis of marketing is to create and implementation form, time, place, and ownership utility.
Demonstration that risk and reward are present in all marketing product, price, distribution and promotion activities.
Identifying that the marketing concept is present in all successful non-profit and profit making marketing activities in organizations.