Social Policy is the overarching program that includes aging, education, health and social welfare policy. Each area represents a major and enduring aspect of public policy concern, in which the need for leadership in public management and policy analysis is critical and can be expected to grow.
The Social Policy area of study examines the roles and responsibilities of the public sector in designing, managing, and evaluating human resource programs for at-risk populations in the areas of health, education, and welfare. It is concerned with issues related to distributional equity and equality of opportunity and access, particularly for those least able to help themselves in a market societythe elderly, children, the disabled, the sick and the unemployed. Social policy involves elements of policy analysis, policy design, program evaluation, public management, and program implementation.
Aging policy involves social, economic and health problems of the aged, including income security, access to health care, and public policy needs of an aging society. Social welfare policy particularly involves evaluation and alleviation of poverty, material deprivation and discrimination in American society. Education Policy involves the finance and delivery of education services in the American education system (particularly elementary and secondary education), quality of education, equity of resources, and various other issues such as education finance alternatives and school choice.