Over the past 40 years, TAS has built a strong reputation for academic excellence, community spirit, outstanding pastoral care and support for personal growth. Our students are dedicated in their partnership with teachers to improve their performance, and our integrated and supportive learning environment provides teachers with the flexibility to individualise learning for each studentTAS holds high academic expectations for its students and teachers. In Secondary School, approximately 95% of our Year 12 students achieve an ATAR. Academically we expect that 10% of our boys and girls should score in the top 3% in Queensland, 10% should achieve a Certificate of Academic Commendation, and 60% of students achieve an ATAR score >85.At TAS the learning starts at an early age through flexible and creative programs in our Early Learning Centers. The core literacy and numeracy skills are then developed through the use of explicit, direct instructional learning in the Early Years phase (P-4), balanced with the introduction of a range of student-centered and collaborative pedagogies as students mature in their approach to learning.