Offering a combination of music and education courses, including individual instrumental lessons, music theory, music history and the professionally-required education courses, this program is designed primarily for those desiring to teach instrumental music in junior or senior high school, a choral component is also included. At the end of this five-year combined program, two degrees are granted: a Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education. This program is designed primarily for those desiring to teach instrumental music in junior or senior high school. It offers a combination of music and education courses, including individual instrumental lessons, music theory, music history, and the professionally required education courses, a choral component is also included. At the end of this five-year combined program, two degrees are granted: a Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education.
The Bachelor of Music (BMus) program is the most intensive of all our music programs, admission is dependent upon a successful performance audition as well as the completion of a music rudiments placement test. Through our program you will have access to award-winning teachers, global researchers, and renowned performers in a warm, close-knit academic community. Whatever your interest singing, piano performance, computer music composition, or music history you will have ample instructional resources to guarantee success.
The Faculty of Arts boasts one of the most diverse Arts programs in Canada, offering top quality educational opportunities that prepare students for successful careers in every sector of society. With over 900 distinct courses in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts, you will find an academic pathway for you. Your studies will be enhanced by the rich insights that our nationally and internationally recognized faculty members bring to the classroom through unique insights drawn from their research and advancement of human knowledge. Academic excellence, innovative problem-solving, and experiential learning opportunities beyond the classroom, such as Community Service-Learning and Arts Work Experience programs, will give you the tools to thrive in a diverse and increasingly complex workplace.