Our thriving body of PhD students are currently researching: finance, market reactions to accounting, management accounting and control, judgment and decision-making in accounting and audit, corporate reporting and governance.
The Adam Smith Business School places a strong emphasis on the development of valuable transferable and personal development skills, such as finance-oriented computer programming, presentation and professional writing skills. As a PhD student in Accounting & Finance, you will have opportunities to:
present and discuss your work in progress with colleagues and staff members, present and discuss your work in progress with staff members in other Scottish Universities through the Scottish Doctoral Colloquium, present your work in national or international conferences (usually at later stages of the PhD process), attend the Wards research seminars, benefit from the College of Social Sciences Graduate School Research Training programme, complete a PhD research class that looks at a variety of topics such as the use of Stata and Minitab, case studies and various approaches to accounting research, attend research training on key literature (either solely on accounting or finance or a combination of accounting and finance empirical literature), attend research training on necessary software programmes assisting you in your research (e.g., Nvivo, Stata), attend research training on qualitative and/or quantitative techniques, with a focus on accounting and finance (econometrics in particular).
You may also have the opportunity to become a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), delivering tutorials to first and second year undergraduate students and helping with assessment of undergraduate assignments and examinations. Teaching is payable at a University-wide hourly rate and it is anticipated that an active GTA, subject to suitability and availability, should be able to earn up to 1,500 per annum. GTAs undergo compulsory training. PhD researchers may have the opportunity to become GTAs from their second year. Vacant posts are advertised towards the end of semester 2.