in Thermal and Fluid Sciences (heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics, biotechnology, alternative energy conversions, sustainability, boiling and two-phase flow, combustion, multidisciplinary design and analysis optimization, and high-performance computing), Mechanics, Systems, and Controls (robotics, mechanical design, mechatronics, control systems, dynamical systems, space and ocean science & exploration, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation engineering, and renewable energy systems), and Materials and Manufacturing (nanotechnology, composite and smart structures, electrochemistry and corrosion, precision machining, and joining of dissimilar materials). For qualified graduate students, teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and scholarships are available.
Student Learning Outcomes
In general, a student who has successfully completed the graduate degree requirements should be able to:
Demonstrate mastery of the methodology and techniques specific to the field of study.
Communicate both orally and in writing at a high level of proficiency in the field of study.
Conduct research or produce some other form of creative work.
Perform in their field of study at a professional