The Environmental Engineering Program of the University of Houston is an interdisciplinary graduate engineering program within the Cullen College of Engineering, administratively housed in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The Program and its faculty are internationally known for their research and teaching in water, wastewater, microbiology, nano- and biotechnologies, bioremediation, soil and hazardous waste treatment and modeling, and airborne particulates. The emphasis of study and research is placed on municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment, water reuse, hazardous-waste management, and groundwater restoration with elective courses in the fields of air pollution modeling, measurement and control, engineering management, business and public policy, environmental law, water resources engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, biochemistry and geosciences.
In addition to continued study of a broad range of environmental engineering fundamentals, candidates for the doctoral degree enjoy intensive exposure to a specific field of environmental engineering research. Individual research is the major focal point for doctoral students, who are expected to expand the frontiers of knowledge in their area of endeavor. Moreover, candidates learn and experience the general philosophy, methods, and concepts of research and scholarly inquiry. Acceptance into the full-time Ph.D. program is generally accompanied by financial support.