The study of devices, circuits, signals & systems, electromagnetics, and programming, with additional expertise in electronics, power, control, communications, optics, and/or computers to solve problems in any field you choose. We are the innovators that create sustainable energy systems, study the brain to better understand neurological diseases, efficiently process big data, build the computing devices that are sometimes too small to even see, manipulate the semiconductors integral to millions of applications, control robots, safely image tumors, communicate information and much more. Learn to invent, design, and improve devices that enhance life for all. Electrical engineering is all about information and energy. Electrical engineers control things, sense things, power things, design and build electronic devices, process signals, design computers, connect things and people and lots more. The impact of electrical engineering on our daily lives can be seen and felt most everywhere. Next-generation electronic devices, environmental and medical sensors, power systems, energy conversion systems, communication systems, satellite systems, remote sensing, nanotechnology, medical devices, information technology, big data, lighting, displays, miniature computers, automotive electronics, imaging, and even cyber security are all the work of electrical engineers.