The Department of Romance Studies provides opportunities for studying the languages, literatures, and cultures of France, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Spanish America and other countries and regions where Romance languages are spoken. Students develop proficiency in language together with a knowledge and appreciation of the civilization, culture, and literature of peoples who speak that language. In our undergraduate programs, students acquire competence in the practice and analysis of Romance languages together with a critical knowledge of the written, oral, and visual traditions of their origin and diaspora. Studying French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish has become increasingly important because of the economic and political significance of these languages abroad and in our multicultural society in the United States. Language study also offers important support to other majors at UNC-Chapel Hill, such as history, linguistics, political science, Global Studies, Latin American Studies, European Studies, Communications, Media and Journalism, and Business. The degree offered is Bachelor of Arts in Romance Languages, with a specialization in French, Italian, Portuguese, Hispanic Literatures and Cultures, and Hispanic Linguistics. The department also offers minors in French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish for the Professions, and Hispanic Studies. Highly qualified and motivated students are encouraged to pursue the B.A. in Romance Languages with Honors.