The Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences offers a Master of Science in Earth Sciences degree with opportunities for study and research in the areas of geology, hydrology, atmospheric science, surface processes, environmental science, remote sensing, and geospatial analysis. Graduate students have access to faculty with a broad range of expertise, as well as access to extensive field, laboratory, and computing facilities.
Earth Sciences faculty offer courses and are active in research areas that include surface and groundwater hydrology, vadose zone processes, geochemistry, igneous and metamorphic petrology, biogeochemistry, mineralogy, structural geology, applied geophysics, remote sensing, soil science, Quaternary geology, geomorphology, fluvial processes, depositional environments, biodiversity, landscape ecology, urban ecology, sustainability, forestry, clastic and carbonate sedimentology, basin analysis, stratigraphy, coastal geology, paleoecology, macro- and micropaleontology, environmental geology, applied climatology, global fire modeling, biogeophysical modeling, climate model evaluation, terrestrial carbon cycling, aerosol physics and chemistry, air quality, renewable energies, numerical weather prediction, severe weather, tropical meteorology, and environmental epidemiology.