As a leader in Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate education, the URI College of Pharmacy offers you programs and specializations in highly sought after fields available at few other universities in the country. You will study with faculty who are world-renowned, respected experts in basic, clinical, and applied pharmaceutical sciences, and who exemplify translational, highly collaborative, interdisciplinary training and research. Passionate about teaching, research, and mentoring, our faculty are committed to training the next generation of scientists and academicians.
The college offers M.S. and Ph.D. level degrees in Pharmaceutical Sciences with four specializations. The Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy specialization, you will study drug discovery and delivery through synthesis, mechanism, modeling, screening, isolation of natural products from plant and marine sources.
Focus areas include: cancer, HIV, stroke, nanotechnology, brain drugs, antibiotics, drug resistance, herbal medicine, bioinformatics, peptide synthesis, and DNA damage, mutation and repair.