For those interested in investigating world issues like politics, climate change or global relations, and sharing them with the public, journalism is an exciting and broad career option. It combines skills in writing, production, research and critical thinking to develop students’ capacities to frame world issues and affairs in accessible and relevant ways. UTS teaches journalism on the principle that it is a public good, and that any functional society requires a free and robust media. We encourage our graduates to be critical thinkers and train them in the ethical, intellectual, and political foundations needed to start their professional lives.
Graduates leave with access to many career options, including reporter, producer, editor, social media editor, sub-editor, feature and freelance journalist, investigative journalist, researcher, and print, broadcast and online media content producer. In areas related to journalism, graduates may wish to pursue roles such as media advisors, communication consultants, content producers, or work in government and non-government organisations in a communication role.
Taking a transdisciplinary approach, the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation utilises multiple perspectives from diverse fields, integrating a range of industry experiences, real-world projects and self-initiated proposals, equipping graduates to address the wicked problems, complex challenges and untapped opportunities in today's world.