Mechanical and aerospace engineers solve problems. Mechanical engineers plan and design machines, tools, engines and other equipment or systems that produce or use power, such as instruments, controls, and machines as well as mechanical, thermal, hydraulic and heat transfer systems. Aerospace engineers design, develop, test and help produce commercial and military aircraft, surface effect vehicles, missiles, and other related hardware or systems for inside and outside the atmosphere. Whichever field you choose, earning a degree from Western Michigan University will set you up for success as you pursue your professional goals.
Graduates with the Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical) look forward to career opportunities at higher levels of responsibility. Areas of opportunity include, but are not limited to, mechanical systems and structural dynamics, system design and controls, smart and biomaterials, mechanics of composite materials, experimental stress analysis, fatigue and fracture of engineering materials, vehicle dynamics, experimental and computational fluid dynamics, thermal and power systems, alternate and renewable energy, fuel cells, combustion, noise and vibrations, finite element analysis, and micro and nano-technology. Opportunities for mechanical engineers continue to develop with the rapid expansion of the knowledge base.