United Kingdom
In search for their new home, new university and new city, students often choose capital cities. And in the UK that's London sometimes called one of the world's capitals as well.
Why is Australia different from other countries and special? Explore facts that will surprise you!
Even though a PhD usually comes after you’ve finished your Masters, there are some exceptions that will allow you to transition into a PhD program.
United Kingdom
The jump from living at home to learning how to pay your bills and apply for a bank account in a foreign country can be harsh.
With the start of the new semester of the academic year in Australia, we'll read about the top and fun things to do during your orientation week.
Get to know the best countries to work in after your graduation!
If you are thinking of accelerating your career or switching to a new industry moving to Australia for further studies is an excellent way to get a fresh start.
Here we discuss about the top 5 part-time jobs that you can do in Australia and how much you can earn from each of them.
United Kingdom
A step by step guide to applying to UK universities. Read on to get valuable tips on admission process, application deadlines, how, when, and where to apply for studying in the UK.
Need convincing? You'll gain many advantages from an international qualification. Take a look.
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