甚麽是 IELTS for UKVI?

申請英國簽證所需要的 IELTS 考試及分數

如果你需要申請英國簽證,你需要參加英國政府認可的英語測試。IDP 教育(香港辦事處)提供英國簽證與移民署 (UKVI) 認可的 IELTS 英國簽證及移民測試 (IELTS for UKVI),是獲英國政府認可的測試中心。在你報考 IELTS 前,我們建議你先前往英國簽證與移民署(UKVI)網站查詢簽證相關文件的需求。

IELTS 和 IELTS for UKVI 有甚麼分別?

IELTS 和 IELTS for UKVI 的考試內容、模式以及評分標準都一模一樣,唯後者因英國簽證要求,考試時會進行錄影以及成績表上會有 UKVI 號碼。

獲英國簽證與移民署 (UKVI) 認可的 IELTS 考試:

IELTS for UKVI(學術測試)

計劃到英國修讀 Pre-sessional 或 Foundation 課程,需要申請第 1 級 (Tier 1) 或第 2 級 (Tier 2) 簽證的學生,一般需要參加英國簽證與移民署 (UKVI) 認可的 IELTS for UKVI 測試。

計劃到英國修讀學士或碩士課程,需要申請英國學生簽證 (Student route) 的學生,可按院校需要應考所需的 IELTS 考試。一般英國大學和院校均接受 IELTS 國際英語測試的成績;換句話說,除非個別院校特別要求,否則學生並不需要參加 IELTS for UKVI 測試。

IELTS for UKVI(通用測試)

計劃前往英國移民或接受學士學位以下程度培訓,需要需要申請第 1 級 (Tier 1) 或第 2 級 (Tier 2) 簽證的人士,一般需要參加英國簽證與移民署 (UKVI) 認可的 IELTS for UKVI測試。


考生可按個人需要,選擇以紙筆模式或電腦模式應考 IELTS for UKVI(學術或通用測試)。

>>>更多IELTS 紙筆模式和電腦模式考試

IELTS 生活英語技能測試 A1 及 A2 (IELTS for UKVI Life Skills A1 & A2)

正計劃到英國移民,並以「家庭團聚或定居」為簽證原因申請配偶及家庭簽證的人士,一般需要參加英國簽證與移民署 (UKVI) 認可的 IELTS for UKVI Life Skills A1 或 A2 測試。

IELTS 生活英語技能測試 B1 (IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1)

正計劃到英國移民,申請「永久居留權或公民權」的人士,一般需要參加英國簽證與移民署 (UKVI) 認可的 IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 測試。

>>>最新 IELTS for UKVI 考試日期

立刻報考你所需的 IELTS 考試!

申請英國簽證所需要的 IELTS 分數一覧

Visa Description

Minimum CEFR Level Required


IELTS Test & Minimum score required overall & in each skill

Tier 1 (General) visa


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 7.0 overall, and for each of the four skills

Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 4.0 overall, and for each of the four skills

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) visa


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 4.0 overall, and for each of the four skills

Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 4.0 overall, and for each of the four skills

Tier 2 (General) visa


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 4.0 overall, and for each of the four skills

Tier 2 (Sportsperson) visa2


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 4.0 overall, and for each of the four skills1

Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) visa


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 5.5 overall, and for each of the four skills

Student route - below degree level (Please read the important note on Student route.)


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 4.0 overall, and for each of the four skills

Student route - degree level and above and including some pre-sessional courses3 (Please read the important note on Tier 4 student visa.)


Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening

IELTS - 5.5 overall, and for each of the four skills

Family of a settled person visa


Speaking and Listening

IELTS for UKVI Life Skills at A1 - Pass4 IELTS – 4.0 in Speaking and Listening

Indefinite leave to remain (to settle) or citizenship5


Speaking and Listening

IELTS for UKVI Life Skills at B1 - Pass IELTS – 4.0 in Speaking and Listening

1 Both Academic and General Training are accepted. The CEFR requirement for each skill must be met.
2 IELTS is accepted by UKVI at band scores 4.0 and above, equivalent to CEFR level B1.
3 Universities on UKVI’s list of Student route Sponsors decide which exams to accept when a SELT is not required, and these may include IELTS taken at any of the 1000+ IELTS test locations.
4 IELTS can be used where IELTS for UKVI Life Skills is used; candidates would need to get 4.0 or above in Speaking and Listening (scores for Reading and Writing will be ignored).
5 Currently, UKVI will also accept an Ofqual regulated test for this category. The test must cover Speaking and Listening at B1 level.

Please note that these changes do not affect the use of IELTS by people from the European Union, European Economic Area, Switzerland and 'majority English speaking countries' as defined by the UK Home Office (https://www.gov.uk/english-language).




查詢考期 /網上報考


查詢考期 / 網上報考

IELTS英國簽證及移民考試 (電腦模式)

查詢考期 / 網上報考

IELTS 考試地點

IDP 教育 IELTS 測試一般於酒店、學校及會議中心舉行。場地多位於如港島(包括:中環、灣仔、銅鑼灣等)和九龍(包括:旺角、尖沙咀、油麻地等)。

Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of the test taker to register for the right type of test (IELTS, IELTS for UKVI, Life Skills A1 or Life Skills B1). The test centre cannot be held responsible for an incorrect selection.


我們注意到有社交網站提供 IELTS 代辦服務,包括報名、領取成績單、申請成績複查。我們建議所有考生避免透過非官方途徑處理 IELTS 事宜;同時強烈不鼓勵考生與提供這些服務的人溝通或交易。如果您有任何疑問,請與 IDP IELTS Hong Kong 的職員聯繫。

Please read "Notice to Test Takers: Special precautionary measures on Test Day"