學生: Ang Ying
就讀課程/院校: Bachelor of Health Science and Master of Physiotherapy / La Trobe University
我是La Trobe University 的學生, 暑假後就會升讀year 2。不經不覺到澳洲升學已經兩年,回想起第一年讀foundation的時候,可算是最深刻的一年。因為這是我第一次到外地讀書,第一次長時間離開家人。還記得剛到澳洲的幾星期,心情很難過也很想家。在澳洲既沒有照顧自己的家人也沒有認識的朋友,生活轉變很大,亦很難適應。可是時間的過去,認識了新朋友,建立了自己另一個生活圈子,漸漸亦開始適應澳洲讀書的生活。放假的時候我還會和朋友四出遊玩,看看風景,試試不同的美食。如果現在再讓我重新選擇一次到澳洲升學或者留港讀文憑和副學士課程,我一定會同樣的選澳洲升學。我是末代會考生,可說是進退兩難,既沒有重讀的機會,同時也很難考入香港的大學。就是這原因令我選了澳洲升學,因為只讀了9個月左右的foundation就進了大學year 1,我不用浪費兩年時間讀文憑和副學士課程,同時節省了一年的時間就入讀大學,對我來說澳洲升學可算是一條又簡單又快的捷徑。所以很慶幸當日會考放榜後,立刻參加了IDP的升學講座,同時與升學顧間見面亦解答了我心中不少關於升學的疑問。IDP讓我更了解海外升學的途徑和好處,同時令我更快下定決心到澳洲升學。最後我很感激我的升學顧問葉小姐幫我處理了大大小小的升學文件,協助我完成所有升學手續。甚至當我在澳洲遇到的offer問題又不懂與大學溝適,同樣也是葉小姐幫我處理。所以真的感謝IDP和葉小姐,讓我沒有後悔到澳洲升學和在La Trobe University有一個好的開始:)
我的升學途徑: F.5 (末代會考)> La Trobe University Foundation > La Trobe University (Bachelor of Health Science and Master of Physiotherapy)
學生: Lai Hei Man
就讀課程/院校: Graduate Diploma in Science / University of Wollongong
兩年前我是從英國回來主修營養學的畢業生。 目標成為註冊營養師的我必定要完成相關的碩士課程才可以達到理想。 可是要在英國進修這個碩士課程, 學生一定要持有英國本地居民護照, 而我只持有BNO。 加上因為澳洲沒有這個限制, 所以去澳洲進修是我的首選。
當時我並不熟識澳洲這個地方, 也花了很長時間去搜集課程資料。 經朋友介紹後, 我決定找IDP 幫我處理所有報讀的文件, 令我節省了很多時間。
但很可惜由於我在大學時未有就讀某些科目, 而未能達到碩士的入學要求。 所以我決定留在香港取一些工作經驗和讀一些相關課程, 然後再嘗試報名下一年的入學資格。 可是我再一次未能成功, 因為澳洲大學不承認我這一年在香港就讀的課程, 甚至我有工作經驗也不能達到入學要求。 回想起一年前這個時候我的心情是多麼徬徨。 最後我決定報讀了 University of Wollongong 的 Graduate Diploma in Science去修讀我缺乏的科目, 但當我得到offer的時候, 距離開學的日子只有數天。 所以沒有足夠時間處理簽證, 很感激我的升學顧問Emily一直協助幫我跟進application和逐一把自行上網申請簽證的程序解釋給我聽。
不經不覺在澳洲留學已一年了。我已完成了Graduate Diploma這個課程, 很開心我不但得到碩士課程的資格, 更加認識了很多不同國家的朋友。 雖然我未能畢業後立即升讀碩士, 更加要花多一年時間進修, 但我沒有後悔這個決定。 因為我跟我的理想近了一大步了。 十分感謝我的升學顧問Emily這2年來的協助!
學生: Marco Lam
就讀課程/院校: Science Foundation Programme / Bellerbys College (Bachelor of Medicine / University of Nottingham)
Being a Form 5 dropout, I chose to study the Science Foundation Programme Bellerbys had offered because I believed it would be the fastest and most efficient pathway to achieve my dream of attending university in the UK. I, however, was worried that this unconventional course would be substandard relative to the traditional 2-year A-Level. Having said that, I did not regret opting for the Foundation course because it undoubtedly has saved me a year of time. Although an intensive course design, I did not find it particularly challenging mostly because my teachers were very capable of making topics interesting and easy for me to understand. Besides, they were really kind and lovely and willing to provide all sorts of aid and assistance to students with academic difficulties in order to boost their exam performance, ultimately reaching their goal which is entering their ideal universities.
The nine months I had spent in Bellerbys have been the greatest I have ever experienced. With people of various nationalities, students there can easily make acquaintances with their peers from all over the world. From my own experience, I was lucky to be surrounded by classmates from different countries as it is always a delight knowing someone with different cultural background and it had, most importantly, improved my English speaking skills very much. The school also offered lots of different outside class activities for students to join, ranging from outdoor sports like football and horse riding to indoor clubs for music or yoga lovers, making sure no one would find school life dull and boring.
All in all, Bellerbys has set me on the right track for a great future and I would highly recommend it to those who are deciding to study in the UK.
學生: 鄔家樂
就讀課程/院校: UNSW Foundation Studies / University of New South Wales
學生: 汪可誠
就讀課程/院校: Bachelor of Medical Science / University of New South Wales
學生: 楊鋼豐
就讀課程/院校: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) / University of New South Wales
People here are nice so don’t be afraid to ask. For academics, you have to work harder because University’s stuff is much harder than high school. Uses the library to self- learns. Lastly, Sydney is a very expensive place so you should learn how to live cheap if you come here to study.
學生: 劉懿嫻
就讀課程/院校: MBBS / University of New South Wales
同學去澳洲之前可以經IDP聚會,以便在澳洲相認。因為據我所知,有些新加坡來的同學會在抵達澳洲前各自認識,好讓他們在新的學習環境能互相照應。由於大學課程大多都是有過百人的Lecture,在這麼多人的情況下很難結識來自相同國家 (香港) 的人。
學生: YUNG Kai Sing
就讀課程/院校: Bachelor of Commerce / University of New South Wales