

學生: Lau Chung Chi, Charlotte

就讀課程/院校: Curtin University, Bachelor of Physiotherapy

國家: 澳洲


"I am grateful that my parents allow me to study physiotherapy at Curtin University. Last semester, we learnt about manual muscle testing, treatment, and anatomy. I also attended the massage clinic during the semester break and gave massages to patients. Currently, I'm playing for the Reds Volleyball Club in the State League Squad and working as a volleyball coach in local high schools. Taking part in the Western Australia Volleyball League has given me a valuable opportunity to improve my skills. I've been staying at student accommodation since I came to Perth. Living on campus is worth the experience because you tend to meet people at parties and food gathering events. There are lots of social events held by the residential advisors such as stand-up paddle boarding sessions and visits to the aquarium. Everything has been great as I can do what I'm passionate about. Lastly, thanks to IDP education I will strive for the best and continue my study journey."

學生: Katrina Lam

就讀課程/院校: Canning College 高中課程

就讀課程/院校: Curtin University

國家: 澳洲


"My parents chose Perth and found Canning College through IDP. I spent my last 2 years of high school life in Canning college, it is a really lovely place. It has a really good learning environment and atmosphere. The teachers support, nurture and encourage us when are struggling with our studies. I am very honoured to receive a scholarship from both Canning College and Curtin University. It really requires a lot of hard work to get it. Time flies during Year 12 so work hard and you should hold this time as the key chance to proceed your future career. If you miss this chance you may not have another one so hold on tight.

At first I didn't like Perth at all, because I thought it was very boring. But then I meet all my friends from Canning College and start to hang out together, I start to love this place. I love the weather, I love my school and I love the people especially my host. I think it is a very good experience to study overseas. I really appreciate IDP's arrangement and assistance of helping me to choose this school."

學生: Josie Leung

就讀課程/院校: Canning College, Foundation

就讀課程/院校: Curtin University, Bachelor of Physiotherapy

國家: 澳洲


"My name is Josie Leung and I was a previous student of Canning college during the period between 2017 to 2018 studying in year 11 and the foundation course. The school was introduced to me through IDP and the staff provided me with accurate information and past reviews of the school, leading to my final decision of proceeding my future studies there. It turned out being nothing but a path of success and a great experience overall as my effort paid off and I received an offer for physiotherapy degree from Curtin University.

I'd like to thank IDP for not only introducing me to the school, but also guiding me through all necessary processes from enrolling, getting my student visa and all legal documents to settling and accommodation arrangements. The staff there are friendly, responsive and very helpful. I could not imagine the struggles I would have been through if it wasn't for the assistance of IDP, especially as an underaged student, the number of legal documents needed and the difficulty of getting approvals greatly increased. I've been very lucky to have all possible issues settled smoothly, thanks to IDP."



就讀課程/院校: The University of Melbourne, Foundation


就讀課程/院校: The University of Adelaide, Bachelor of Dental Surgery

國家: 澳洲


"Thank you very much for following up on this application, your continued effort and assistance is very much appreciated. I do want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your help in helping my daughter and my son (Gordon in year 2016) with their application to various Universities in Australia. You have been most patient in answering our numerous questions and provided much needed assistance in the actual application; plus following up with the schools. I would dare say that without your help, my daughter and my son would be at loss as to what to do and which direction to take.Thank you again for your kind assistance and valuable guidance throughout. I wish you all the best."

學生: Whitney LAI

就讀課程/院校: Curtin University, Master of Speech Pathology

國家: 澳洲


"There is no doubt that Australia is one of the most popular destination for international students which offers multicultural experiences and high standard of education. Perth, which is the capital city of Western Australia, is especially an ideal destination for study. It has an affordable but high quality of life, coupled with fascinating beaches, parklands, and friendly neighbourhood. Since I decided to study in Australia, the team in IDP helped me a lot with their professional advice for my planning and preparation before arrival. Although I couldn’t achieve my first priority at the beginning, they contacted the alternative universities immediately and assisted me to reach the goal at the end. Hence, I fully appreciate the support I received from IDP."

家長: 曾太

學生: 女兒Tsang Fuk Yi

就讀課程/院校: Griffith University, Bachelor of Aviation Management

國家: 澳洲


"We would like to express our satisfaction with the job delivered by Jay Lau. Since coming onto the application of TSANG Fuk Yi, Jay gives us a lot of advice and makes the application process easier. Please feel free to forward this letter to whomever should see it. It is important that good people doing good deeds is recognized."

學生: Hung Quan Yue, Queenie

就讀課程/院校: The University of Sydney, Master of Speech-Language Pathology student

國家: 澳洲


學生: Lee Sing Wai, Alex

就讀課程/院校: University of South Australia, Bachelor of Business (Marketing)

國家: 澳洲


"Hi, I'm Alex. Finally I manage to have time to write a email to say thank you for your help throughout the last few months. You are really helpful and supportive when I have any questions about my study, offers, accommodations, scholarships etc.......

Just want to say I'm doing good here in Adelaide and a lot of appreciation from my bottom of my heart! Thank you so much. Best wishes to your work and have a good day :) "

學生: Hebe Ng

就讀課程/院校: Rosehill Secondary College

國家: 澳洲


"I contacted IDP Education at the end of 2013 for studying in Australia. The consultant gave me a lot of information about studying aboard and also helped me to apply student visa, government school and homestay in Melbourne. In April 2014, I came to Melbourne and went to a high school with about lot of international students. However, I realised that I did not like the school at all and decided to change to another school for VCE program. So I started looking for the schools around the area and found Rosehill Secondary College. The two years in Rosehill Secondary College were my best time of my life so far where I have made a lot of friends, had fun while learning and realised what do I actually like to do which is design. Visual communication design is the subject that I spent most of my time on. When I was doing the folio work, I found myself really interested in designing. In Year 12, I made up a company, Essie, designed and made some products in my project. It was one of my art works that put in Victorian International School Arts Achievement Award. The award is an approval of my art works and also an encouragement for me in doing arts."


學生: Suen King Ho

就讀課程/院校: Coventry University, Bachelor of Business Administration

國家: 英國


「我在英國留學已經三年多了,回想起第一年踏足異鄉學習和生活,我感覺時間過得很快。在這三年裡面,無論是學術,還是個人生活方面,我都獲益良多。 初到異國時,IDP給我的幫助實在很大,還記得我當時還未滿十八歲,需要住在寄宿家庭,但是在十月時,我的host mother因有急事需要離開三個星期,未滿十八歲的我由於不能夠獨自留在家,所以我需要勞煩IDP替我臨時找另一個寄宿家庭。如沒有IDP的幫助,在英國只是生活了一個月的我實在不知如何是好。 一個人離家到外國自己生活,起初難免不習慣,但生活促使我學會自己烹煮三餐、自行租屋和打掃。本來依賴家人的我都漸漸變得獨立。 其實對我們這些國際學生來說,我認為最重要的就是盡量多些認識不同國籍的同學,以盡快投入當地生活和提高英語水平。經過這四年留學生活,香港的朋友都說我成長了。留英讀書是一個很好的經驗,我相信以後都會想念這裡的生活。」

家長: 胡太

學生: 兒子Jason Wu

就讀課程/院校: ISC - University of Sussex, Computing

國家: 英國


"I would like to write this letter to praise the good work of Ms. Helen Ho. I visited IDP recently to find a University in the UK for my son, Jason Wu. After explaining my needs to her, she was very helpful and gave me some good choices of Universities to choose from. Not only did the choices of Universities fit my budget, but it was exactly what I was looking for in terms of the future education path for my son. She also gave me very good pointers on other important factors about attending University in the UK which I found to be very helpful. Helen is not only very informative and helpful, but she is very knowledgeable in her job and showed real professionalism in what she does. IDP is very lucky to have her as part of their team and I will be sure to refer anyone I know to your company if they are looking to further their education overseas."

家長: 蔡太

學生: 兒子Choy Chun Yin, Terry

就讀課程/院校: Cardiff University

國家: 英國


「當初決定到送兒子列外地升學,除了令他學習獨立更希望他能放眼看世界、擴闊視野。 幸而有IDP EDUCATION 的教育顧問- CYRUS YIP為我們分析各種升學途徑,當我們遇到任何疑題致電給他時、他每次都會耐心地為我們解答所有疑慮。經過多番考慮及CYRUS 的意見,最終選擇英國-CARDIFF UNIVERSITY. 我同先生覺得送子女到外地留學要注意和準備的事情有很多,儲備足夠的金錢固然重要,在準備留學的過程中亦要尊重孩子的意願。記得在為兒子選擇出外留學時,曾出現意見不一的情況。包括當時由他不太願意到外國,直至決定…等等。因為他從小就在父母的護蔭下成長、作為父母初時必定會擔心他不適應新環境、也怕不能好好照顧自己,生病了又如何呢 ? 畢竟兒子18年來都是一齊生活、去到英國將有好幾年要獨自在當地生活及讀書。但原來這擔心很快已過去、因為兒子在英國讀書2個月時已適應了。時間過得很快、轉眼間今年6月便會完成 YEAR 1了。 我們每星期都會與他FACE TIME、而最令我倆開心的事就是發覺他變得乖巧且說話有禮貌,有問有答。亦可能因為現在和家人見面的時間少了,所以更懂得珍惜和家人談話的時間。之前聽聞有很人說到了適當時候就必須放手、孩子不能一世都跟著父母、這樣做才能真正帶給他們早些明白學懂做人處事的態度。原來這是真的 ^.^ 對於未來前景,我並沒有特別去想。始終一個人的前路如何都是取決於他自己,所以作為家長的我只會從旁指導他下最好的決定、作最壞的打算。」