I know you must have spent a significant amount of time in researching about the course and university you want, and what your career prospects would be like, which is a great thing. Research is crucial. But what else is important is that while you go ahead with your application and come to a stage where you have an offer letter in hand, what’s next? Simple – your student visa!
When you file for your student visa, make sure that you leave no scope for mistake, because even a small negligence can lead to visa refusal, putting your study abroad dream in jeopardy.
Here are the five most crucial factors that determine your visa application:
1. Funding status
Each country has a very specific financial requirement for granting student visa and hence factors like source of funding, financial sponsors, acceptable financial institutions, etc., vary sharply from country to country. It is important that you spend a good amount of time in understanding these specific requirements and start working on your financial documents much before applying for your student visa.
Since authorities are always a bit wary of fraudulence, it’s better to take assistance and guidance from an expert to improve the success of your visa approval. Come to IDP, our counsellors would be more than happy to help you out.
2. Bonafide documents
Immigration bodies have access to many sources to verify the documents you submit with your visa application. Any potential fraud can lead to visa refusals besides putting any future visa applications into high risk category for other countries as well. So, I will advise you to ensure that you submit only genuine and verified documents with your visa application to be granted approval.
3. Genuineness of seeking student visa
Student visa is a temporary visa for you to seek entry into a country to study and obtain a degree. You need to demonstrate your genuine intention of entering into a country for the purpose of quality education and how that will add value to your career. Some countries assess the genuineness of your application based on documents that you have provided, some may ask for a specific Statement of Purpose (SOP) for visa while some may conduct a telephonic or face-to-face interview.
Remember I mentioned earlier that research helps? Well, this is where it comes in handy. If you’ve conducted an extensive research about the choice of your course, destination, university, and career outcomes in your home country, you’ll be in a better position to provide with answers and valid reasons in course of a visa interview. Trust me, that goes a long way in proving your genuine intentions.
4. Personal ties and circumstances
Some immigration bodies look more into the details of your personal ties with your home country, personal circumstances and economic connections. They prefer to understand what motivates you to return to your home country after the completion of your course.
5. Health checks are crucial
Most immigration bodies ask you to undertake a medical examination prior to applying for a student visa. This is because many countries have their own health requirements which they want met with before they allow anyone to enter their territory. The type of health checks varies with respect to length of stay and destination country.
While you can find all the checklist and information on the immigration websites, it might be difficult for you to comprehend some of the key information. I highly recommend that you take free visa counselling from an IDP expert who can guide you towards preparing your visa application. Why take a chance with your visa application, right?