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Accommodation and housing options in Canada

Topik yang Dibahas

You have three main options when it comes to finding a place to stay depending on your needs and budget.

You might choose to rent private accommodation, live on (or close) to campus at a residence or dormitory, or live with a local family (homestay).

On-campus accommodation

Living on or near campus in accommodation owned by your school, college or university can be convenient as you don't need to travel far, and it's also a great way to make new friends.


Renting a property gives you privacy if you live alone, or lets you share the cost of accommodation if you live with friends.

A homestay gives you all the comforts of living with a local family, and lets you practice your English beyond the classroom while learning more about the local culture.

Things to consider

No matter which option you are looking at, you should keep in mind:

  • How much you want to spend. Don't forget to include extra costs like a rental bond and bills for electricity, gas or water.
  • How far away you want to be and how easy it is to travel between home and campus.
  • What else you might want close by, such as shopping centres, restaurants and health services.
  • If you need help finding accommodation in Canada, get in touch with your institution's housing office or student services.

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