Mengapa studi di luar negeri?
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Topik yang Dibahas

Working part time while you study can be a great way to help with the cost of living in the UK and also gain work experience in your field of study.

If you have a Tier 4 (general) or a Tier 4 (child) visa you can work during your studies and holidays if you:

  • are studying at a publicly funded higher education institution.
  • are pursuing a short-term study abroad program with an overseas higher education institution.
  • are over 16.
  • are studying a course at NQF level 6 (degree level) and above.

However, there may be limits on the type of work you can do and your working hours.

You must not work if your passport sticker or identity card says 'No Work' or 'Work Prohibited' as you will breach your immigration conditions, which is against the law in the UK.

To find out more, visit the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) website.

Working after you graduate

If you want to stay and work in the UK after you finish your study, you will need to get a new visa first, or apply for a visa extension.

The three most common visas available to international students are the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur), Tier 2 (General) and Tier 5 (Temporary Worker).

You can find out whether you are eligible for one of these visas on the UK Government website.

Satu akun untuk semua kebutuhan studi Anda di luar negeri

Buat profil Anda dan buka beragam fitur termasuk rekomendasi yang dipersonalisasi, aplikasi yang dilacak dengan cepat, dan masih banyak lagi.

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