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How to work in Canada after graduating there

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Living and working abroad is a great way to gain valuable work experience while immersing in another culture - especially in a country like Canada!

As an exciting Metropolitan city brimming with opportunities from the energy and manufacturing sector, Canada is one destination many students seek to continue their career in.

Through exposure to international workplace culture, you gain a deeper understanding of the workings of global corporations and gain more insight working with a diverse group of colleagues and clients.

With such a great host of benefits, there’s no doubt that it is worth expanding your horizons and embarking on an exciting career in Canada after graduating from a school there!

Want to work in Canada?

Now that you have graduated, working in Canada may be on your horizon. While the work permit application process may seem daunting, don't worry. The process isn't as complicated as it looks.

To ensure that your application process goes smoothly, here are some crucial facts and information you should be aware of before applying for a post-graduate work permit.

#1 Having completed (minimally) a two-year programme in university, you are eligible for a 3-year work permit.

#2 Based on the latest guidelines, as an international student, you have to apply for a work permit within six months (180 days) of graduation.

#3 While it can take up to five months to secure a job, here's the good news - with 551,000 job vacancies in Canada, your job prospects are better than ever.

However, getting a long-term visa is still a concern for international students. It may also be challenging to assimilate into a new workplace culture and language.

Here at IDP, we can streamline this entire process for you by sharing with you our tips and tricks on securing employment and residency in Canada! With all the necessary information on immigration and jobs, you will be able to go about the entire process confidently and quickly.

If living and working in Canada post-graduation floats your boat, read on to learn more about securing a post-graduation work permit.

About the Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

How to qualify

According to Canadian Immigration, these are the requirements for Canada work permit eligibility.

  • Studied full time in Canada in a program for at least eight months

  • Graduated from a public or private post-secondary institution, or a private institution authorised by the provincial statute to confer degrees

  • Apply for a work permit within 180 days of receiving written confirmation of completing a study program

  • Received notification of eligibility to obtain a degree, diploma or certificate

  • Possess a valid Canada study visa or Canada study permit

Benefits of PGWP

Obtaining the PGWP allows you to get that valuable work experience in Canada.

If you have plans to live in Canada in the long-term, your work experience can help you to obtain permanent residency through Express Entry.

By working in Canada full-time for 12 months, you will be able to apply for PR through the Canadian Experience Class.

Otherwise, getting the PGWP allows you to work in Canada on a 3-year work permit. This will enable you to immerse in Canada's culture and get some international work experience to boost your CV.

How to increase your chances while still in school

As an international student, it also helps to take up internships in Canadian companies during your school holidays, to be more familiar with their working culture.

Doing so will increase your chances of obtaining your PGWP and take you a step closer to your dream of working in Canada.

Ready to Take the Next Step Towards Working in Canada?

Before you go to Canada, you might want to find out more about studying and living there, and what better than to book an appointment with one of IDP’s expert counsellors. They are experienced in providing useful advice to help you kick-start your study abroad journey.

IDP can help you study in Canada! We offer free education counseling: from school application to pre-departure activities. Book an appointment with an Education Counselor to get started.

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