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You should consider insurance cover to help protect you, your health, your home and your belongings.

Health insurance

You will need to arrange health insurance while studying in New Zealand.

Your media insurance should cover all dental, medical, specialist and hospital costs and your policy will be checked by your educational institution to ensure it meets the correct requirements.

Home and contents insurance

Home and contents insurance cover the building you live in and your belongings, such as your furniture, clothes, equipment and appliances.

If you're renting, you won't need to worry about building insurance as this is the responsibility of the owner, but contents insurance can be helpful if you have valuable items you would struggle to replace if lost or stolen.

Your insurance policy will have a set limit for how much you can claim if something happens, so much sure the limits are adequate.

Travel insurance

You will need to be covered by travel and health insurance from the day you leave your home country, until the day you arrive back home.

The insurance policy you purchase will need to meet the specific strict standards in the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.

Satu akun untuk semua kebutuhan studi Anda di luar negeri

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