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Perks of taking your IELTS test on a weekday 

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For many IELTS test takers, the high-stakes test is key to many study abroad and migration dreams. But before you decide to book a weekend computer-delivered IELTS session, find out why you might want to opt for a weekday test instead!

Optimize your chances For IELTS

Many schools and courses require a minimum IELTS band score in order for you to be eligible to apply, and the same goes for acquiring a student visa. 

That means you will need to be as strategic as possible when taking your IELTS test to improve your odds of scoring well wherever you can.

One strategy that many test takers have adopted is to take the computer-delivered IELTS, seeing that they can enjoy a variety of benefits: 

- No messy handwriting to worry about

- Zero need to count words and can focus more on answering

- You can practice as much as you want at home or at IDP with the IELTS familiarization test

Another tip that you might not know of, is to take your IELTS on a weekday!

2 reasons to take your IELTS test on a weekday

If you are a working adult (part-time or full-time) you might be tempted to just book your IELTS test on a weekend for the perceived convenience - but you will be missing out on three little known benefits of doing it on a weekday instead.

Benefit 1: There Are More Test Dates You Can Choose From

Booking your IELTS test on a weekday allows you to choose from five days (Monday-Friday) of examination slots, allowing you to be more flexible with your timings. You can easily plan your leave if you are working such as talking only a half-day leave or after working hours. 

If you’re a student who’s simply waiting to apply to a university, taking IELTS on a weekday will feel natural and second-nature to you - since your exams and tests have mostly been conducted on weekdays.

Additionally, booking your IELTS test on a weekday means you don’t have to burn your weekend, giving you time to spend with your family or to do your favourite things. 

Benefit 2: The Venues Will Be Less Packed - That Means Lesser Stress

Taking the IELTS over the weekend will probably mean a packed session even if there’s a maximum number of test takers allowed.

Whether you are doing the paper-based or computer-delivered test, you might be under pressure just from the other test takers sitting around you. By doing your test on the weekdays, the venues will be relatively less packed, making it more of a casual test setting than one mimicking a stressful university entrance exam!

Benefit 3: Enjoy Perks from IDP

There are various perks when you take IELTS with IDP on weekdays. For example, you’ll stand to receive a Grab voucher and a free Starbucks drink when you take IELTS on weekdays!

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