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You may need to present something in your education, work or daily life. Your expertise, your project, or anything you have experienced; It can become a presentation when you start to tell other people. In order to connect people to what you want to tell and to successfully deliver the message you want to convey, all the work is progressed by starting these presentations. Getting started is half the time finishing. We have listed 7 ways to start your presentation.

1 – Tell an engaging story

Starting a presentation with an engaging story that people will be interested in, where they can find a piece of their own life will help them focus better on the message you want to convey in the rest of the presentation. Still, let's be warned. Make sure your compelling story is relevant with your topic as well.

2 – Ask a thought-provoking question

A well-planned question encourages people to think and helps increase confidence in your competence in the subject you are telling, and the rate of being affected by the message you want to convey increases.

3 – Share a shocking statistic or headline on your topic 

The subject you point out, draw attention to should be directly related to what you want to tell. It is ideal for a successful presentation start, as this connects directly to your topic and encourages listeners to listen to the topic. Keeping the shocking for the end may not have the desired effect on audiences who have already lost interest.

4 – Make a strong quote

Quoting the opinion of a crowd-respected person that you think is relevant to your topic can be an ideal method for a truly powerful start. If your audience likes or trusts this name; It will also help them to take a more moderate approach to the message you want to convey.

5 – Show interesting photos / pictures

Using images that can be interesting in terms of aesthetics, facilitating comparison or by expanding the imagination of the listener will help make the message you want to give more catchy. 

6 – Carry some material or visual support to use on stage

A material you use on stage will attract people's attention and interest. Having visual support will also help you highlight the subject you want to tell.

7 – Play a short video

The video will catch the attention of the audience more easily than texts or keywords. With a well-edited and relevant short video, it will help you measure or at least guide their emotional response. Thus, it will help them understand the content of the message you want to give more easily.

One of them will surely help you start your presentation and impress your audience. It is worth noting that for a successful presentation, you need to do a good research on your subject and give the message you want to give clearly without defrauding. As we said before, getting started is half the time finishing. Every presentation you make, without worrying, will help you take your life one step further.

Satu akun untuk semua kebutuhan studi Anda di luar negeri

Buat profil Anda dan buka beragam fitur termasuk rekomendasi yang dipersonalisasi, aplikasi yang dilacak dengan cepat, dan masih banyak lagi.

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