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UniSA’s aviation degree now includes flying!

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UniSA’s aviation degree now includes flying!

 Written by Shirlene Wong, December 2017

As the first university in Australasia to offer a tertiary qualification in aviation, UniSA has educated a number of Singaporean students leading to successful careers as commercial pilots.

UniSA’s recently-relaunched Bachelor of Aviation (Flight) now includes practical flying within the first year - ‘Flight Experience’. With no additional fee, this course will add, 15 to 20 hours to a student’s flying log book, leading to their first solo flight. Those not wishing to fly can choose an alternative elective.

The 15 to 20 flying hours accumulated in the ‘Flight Experience’ course will count towards the CASA Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane) - CPL(A), saving students both time and money. If they wish to obtain the full CPL, they may do this alongside their bachelor’s degree through UniSA’s partner, Flight Training Adelaide (FTA) at an additional cost.

Should you require further information regarding the new Bachelor of Aviation (Flight), get in touch with one of our counsellors.

Notice: The article is published with the permission of the University of South Australia.All photos belong to the University of South Australia.

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