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The ultimate IELTS cheatsheet to help you score better

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From the UK to Australia, the IELTS test is something that you will need to take whether you are looking to migrate there or study in one of their universities.

However, if this is the first time sitting for the test, it can get pretty overwhelming with all the various sections - but not to worry, we have prepared for you a cheat sheet and resources for you to gain valuable insights and IELTS tips on the listening, reading, speaking and writing components.

Acing the IELTS test - Your preparation cheat sheet

Whether you are taking the computer-delivered test (internal link to article: Computer-delivered IELTS: 5 Benefits You Didn’t Know-apr’19) or the paper-based version, the format of the test is still the same and good preparation will always start with fully understanding the test format with the four following preparation tools:

  • The IELTS Preparation Course
  • The IELTS Masterclass
  • IELTS Practice Tests
  • The IELTS Progress Check

Remember, practice makes perfect and the time spent investing in your IELTS preparation will pay off big when you can get into the course and university of your dreams!

Take the IELTS Preparation Course

This course will take you through each IELTS question types in each test section, allowing you to get prepared in all four sections - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

In addition, you will be able to see the examples of questions, their sample answers, the amount of time to spend on each question and get tips on how to improve your band score.

The key is to get familiar with the types of questions to expect and understand which sections you are strong in and potentially weak in.

Attend the IELTS Masterclass

Held by experts in your respective country, the IELTS masterclass provides you with real-time essential insights to help you score your best in the test.

Being a free resource for anyone who has signed up for the test, this masterclass is a great opportunity to understand the following aspects:

  • IELTS assessment criteria
  • Tips on common mistakes to avoid
  • Targeted coaching in the reading, writing and speaking sections
  • Comprehensive test questions and sample answers

You can also ask specific questions regarding the challenges you might be facing in the IELTS test and get first-hand answers.

Try out the IELTS Practice tests

Taking the IELTS practice tests allows you to simulate real test-time conditions and allows you to get familiar with what will happen on test day itself.

Plus also review your answers by comparing to the model answer to better understand where you might have gone wrong.

Depending on the type of test you are sitting for, you can practice all four test sections across two types of IELTS practice tests - the IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.

Take the IELTS Progress Check

If you want to cover all bases and take your IELTS preparation to the next level, you can pay for access to the only official online practice.

Inclusive of personalised feedback from official IELTS markets as well as giving you indicative band scores, this is the closest you can get to see what you might actually score at your current level, without taking the actual test itself.

If you have some additional budget to invest, the IELTS Progress Check will allow you to:

  • Practice all 4 IELTS test sections
  • Get your indicative band score in just 5 working days
  • Receive an official feedback report in 5 working days

With the IELTS Progress Check, you can be quite sure of where you stand and with the targeted feedback, you will be able to zone into your key weaknesses and shore them up before the actual test.

Click here to learn more about all these preparation support by IDP.

Get prepared & book your IELTS test with IDP today

At IDP, we are co-owners of IELTS and conduct a variety of tests, from General Training to the Academic test, in both paper-based and computer-delivered formats.

If you are ready to take the next step forward, book your IELTS test with us here.

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