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5 Basic Steps You Can Take to Work Abroad

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Aside from economic reasons, working in another country provides many benefits such as getting unique learning experiences and the chance to interact with diverse cultures. If you are one of those who want to take that leap of faith and work abroad, there are a few essential things you need to prepare for including the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test.

Here are 5 steps you can take to increase your chances of getting employed abroad – from IELTS test preparation up to perfecting your CVs.

1) Decide which Country you want to go to

A good place to start your preparation is to ask yourself what country you want to work in. Which culture are you interested in learning? What landmarks and historical sites do you hope to visit when you travel abroad? Your interests matter when choosing a destination. 
Consider as well if the country offers work aligned with your degree and expertise. Do some research on the different jobs abroad to get you a head-start in your job search. Countries also offer numerous benefits for migrant workers and choosing the right one can even secure you an opportunity to immigrate for good. 


2) Gather all the Important Documents

After choosing the right destination for you, it is now time to prepare the important documents to kickstart your application. Research the necessary documents like your passport or birth certificate that you need to apply for the job. Devote your time to gathering these files before you migrate and keep them organized in a folder or envelope for easy access.

Taking an IELTS exam would also be beneficial for you as many international companies in English-speaking countries prefer IELTS passers. IELTS is the world’s most popular high-stakes English language proficiency test for study, work and migration and is accepted by more than 11,000 organizations in over 140 countries.

IDP Philippines has many test centers nationwide, including six computer delivered IELTS test laboratories where you can take IELTS on computer and get your results in just 3-5 days. What’s even more amazing is that IDP offers IELTS preparation materials to ensure that you achieve the score you need for your job application abroad.

3) Update your CV

Look over your curriculum vitae (CV) and see what areas need revisions. Highlight work experiences, seminars, and training you have attended that relate to the job position you are applying for. Make sure that it is detailed and organized according to its dates. Companies prefer CVs that are direct to the point. 

We recommend that you search online for template examples if you do not know where to begin editing your CV. Review your CV again until you are satisfied with its content and format.

4) Compile Testimonials and Reference

Testimonials and character references are great ways to boost your chances of being hired for your desired position. We recommend that you reach out to your past employers, peers, or acquaintances to get their permission for this task. It is helpful that you choose professionals related to the job you are applying for.

Compile these testimonials and character references in one file and keep them along with your documents. You will need them when you migrate abroad.

5) Seek help from Professionals

If you are still unsure about how to proceed with your job search abroad, do not be afraid to seek professional help to ease your anxieties. Connect with people you know personally who are already working in another country or ask professional agencies about what to do to prepare for your work abroad.

It is also important that you communicate with the hiring officer for specific questions and clarifications that you may have about the position you are applying for. This way, you will get firsthand, reliable information that will make your job search more worthwhile. 

Take IELTS by IDP and pursue your dream of working abroad

Get free IELTS preparation materials and exclusive review promos and discounts if you book your IELTS test with IDP. IDP offers IELTS test preparation assistance through webinars and practice tests to help you achieve your target band score.

Book your IELTS test with IDP for a successful journey abroad.

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