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Got a target university or dream course but can't decide? With IDP Live you can reach out directly to students at your dream university through the new Student Chat feature. Ask any questions you have, from campus life to academic programs, and get immediate, firsthand insights to help you make the right choice for your future.

Real chat with real students – anytime, anywhere.

Engage in genuine conversations with students who are currently attending your dream university and get unfiltered and authentic perspectives on university life. Whether you're at home, on the go, or in a different time zone, you can shoot a message across whenever you need.

Get personalised and unbiased advice

Student Chat offers personalised insights tailored to your specific queries. Unlike generic information found online, the responses you receive are based on real experiences, offering unbiased advice that can significantly impact your decision-making process.

Ask anyone, anything

Get firsthand information from students at some of the most prestigious institutions globally. Whether it’s advice on acing exams to settling in and making friends abroad, there’s no question too big or small to ask on Student Chat.

How it works

Student Chat is available exclusively for our IDP Live users. Follow these simple steps to connect with international students at leading universities across the globe: 

  • Download the IDP Live app: The IDP Live is available for free download on both Apple and Android devices. 

  • Create an account: Sign up and complete your academic profile to personalise your experience. 

  • Select your target university or course: Navigate to the specific university or course page that interests you. 

  • Initiate a chat: Click the ‘Chat with a student now’ button to get linked to an available student.  

  • Start the conversation: Send your initial enquiry and view the conversation in the live chat interface. You can return to this chat anytime to continue the discussion. 

  • Ask anything: Shoot away your questions to get all the information you need to get you closer to your study abroad dream.

Whether you have specific questions or need general advice, Student Chat is a powerful tool to help you achieve your academic and career goals. Download the IDP Live app today and take the first step towards making your study abroad dreams come true. Happy chatting!

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